
Select Publications

Carpenter ES*, Kadiyala P, Elhossiny AM, Kemp SB, Li J, Steele NG, Nicolle R, Nwosu ZC, Freeman J, Dai H, Paglia D, Du W, Donahue K, Morales J, Medina-Cabrera PI, Bonilla ME, Harris L, The S, Gunchick V, Peterson N, Brown K, Mattea M, Espinoza C, McGue J, Kabala SM, Baliira RK, Renollet NM, Mooney AG, Liu J, Bhalla S, Farida JP, Ko C, Machicao JD, Kwon RS, Wamsteker EJ, Schulman A, Anderson MA, Law R, Prabhu A, Coulombe PA, Rao A, Frankel TL, Bednar F, Shi J, Sahai V, Pasca Di Magliano M*KRT17High/CXCL8+ tumor cells display both classical and basal features and regulate myeloid infiltration in the pancreatic cancer microenvironment. Clinical Cancer Research, 2023 Oct 18. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-23-1421. PMID: 37851080. *Co-corresponding author

Eileen S. Carpenter+, Ahmed M. Elhossiny+, Padma Kadiyala+, Jay Li, Jake McGue, Brian Griffith, Yaqing Zhang, Jacob Edwards, Sarah Nelson, Fatima Lima, Katelyn L. Donahue, Wenting Du, Allison C. Bischoff, Danyah Alomari, Hannah Watkoske, Michael Mattea, Stephanie The, Carlos Espinoza, Meredith Barrett, Christopher J. Sonnenday, Nicholas Olden, Nicole Peterson, Valerie Gunchick, Vaibhav Sahai, Arvind Rao, Filip Bednar, Jiaqi Shi, Timothy L. Frankel, Marina Pasca Di Magliano. Analysis of donor pancreata defines the transcriptomic signature and microenvironment of early neoplastic pancreatic lesions. Cancer Discovery, 2023. +Equal Author Contribution

Steele, N+, Carpenter ES+, Kemp S+, Sirihorachai V+, The S, Delrosario L, Lazarus J, David Amir E, Gunchick V, Espinoza C, Bell S, Harris L, Lima F, Irizarry-Negron V, Paglia D, Macchia J, Ka Yan Chu A, Schofield H, Wamsteker E, Kwon R, Schulman A, Prabhu A, Law R, Sondhi A, Yu J, Patel A, Donahue K, Nathan H, Cho C, Anderson M, Sahai V, Lyssiostis C, Zou W, Allen B, Rao A, Crawford H, Bednar F, Frankel T, Pasca di Magliano M.  Multimodal Mapping of the Tumor and Peripheral Blood Immune Landscape in Human Pancreatic Cancer. Nature Cancer, 2020. +Equal Author Contribution


 Kadiyala P, Elhossiny AM, Carpenter ES. Using Single Cell Transcriptomics to Elucidate the Myeloid Compartment in Pancreatic Cancer. Front Oncol. 2022; 12:881871. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.881871.


Carpenter ES, Steele NG, Pasca di Magliano M., Targeting the Microenvironment to Overcome Gemcitabine Resistance in Pancreatic Cancer. Cancer Research, 2020 Aug 1;80(15):3070-3071.


Kemp, S, Carpenter ES, Steele, S, Donahue, K, Nwosu, Z, Pacheco, A, Velez-Delgado, A, Menjivar, R, Lima F, The, S, Espinoza, C, Brown, K, Long, D, Lyssiotis, C, Rao, A, Zhang, Y, Pasca di Magliano, M, and Crawford, C. Apolipoprotein E promotes immune suppression in pancreatic cancer through NF-kB-mediated production of CXCL1.  2021 Aug 15;81(16):4305-4318. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-20-3929. Epub 2021 May 28. PMID: 34049975.